Frequently Asked Questions

I have social anxiety; do I belong here?

Yes! I myself, struggle with intense social anxiety as do many of our current members so our structure takes you into account. You will never be penalized for not attending events or being “active” in the group chat, we have small and intimate gatherings, and we give grace and understanding to everyone. Black Women are constantly expected to perform and present themselves a certain way to be well received. There is no pressure here to be talkative, outgoing, “friendly”, or extroverted. There is no expectation to show up the same way every day. Our goal is to constantly reinforce the idea of “just being”, whatever that looks like for you.

What makes Free to Be different?

F2B is not a networking group or a “club”, but a collective that functions as a community. Our main focus is to create environments where Black women of all backgrounds feel safe to show up as their authentic selves. We’re trying to get back to the basics of making human connections by exercising true empathy. The idea is, there’s a space for everyone and we hold our members to a high standard of kindness and respect.

What are the benefits of joining Free to Be?

F2B is unlike any other social club or association in the Atlanta area. Not only do we provide free and public events throughout the year, but we also prioritize authenticity, kindness, and inclusion. Because I struggled with anxiety and depression, I didn’t feel like I belonged in any other group I joined. Not because they weren’t great, but because I realized I needed to be somewhere that could focus on my needs as an individual and create spaces where I could show up as myself, an awkward but friendly person.

We believe in getting to the grass roots of human connection and building off of that to create community. Additionally, we engage in several private events where we support, listen, and learn more about ourselves through each other.

How Do I Join?

We do not have any superficial prerequisites to join our community other than identifying as a Black Woman/femme. That means we welcome all Black Women of all backgrounds, aesthetics, and ages. The core foundation of Free to Be is our commitment to true inclusivity and getting to bonding from a simplistic perspective. Throughout the year, we will have open enrollment seasons where we will accept new admissions. During open enrollment, you will be able to create an account and subscribe to our members only portal on the website. From there you’ll receive a welcome email, gain access to the member portal, and be invited to join our Discord server.

What are community fees for?

Think of your monthly (or annual) membership dues as your contribution to supporting F2B’s operation. Dues go directly towards group admin fees (like our website), access to discounted/free events, and other resources that benefit the group.

Are there age requirements to join?

We require members to be over the age of 18. Outside of that, we welcome encourage people of all ages to join us.

How often are meet ups?

Currently, there is no set calendar of when meet ups will take place, but we’d like to host at least three per year. To stay up to date on new meet up announcements, please follow us on Instagram (@Freetobecollective) and/or sign up to receive newsletter updates.

I’m a business owner, can we collaborate?

We’re always excited at the opportunity to work with local businesses! Please send us an email at with your request and we will be happy to discuss a possible collaboration.

When are you coming to my city?

Since F2B’s random inception, we have been receiving requests to host meetups in other cities. We are humbled and grateful at the outpouring of support and demand for our community to take our show on the road! However, at this juncture we are not yet equipped to mobilize our community. We hope to expand in the future.

Does Free to Be accept donations?

Absolutely! We are thankful and accepting of any contributions towards our group. Please visit our “donations” tab for more information on how to submit a donation.

What is the average member age?

While our demographic range anywhere from 20-46, our average age is 24-27. We strongly encourage Black Women of all ages to join, as we are age inclusive and value having a diversly aged group!