Your fear of being perceived is holding you back.

As human beings, we have few pillars in common; we live, we die, we’re born as a product of two people, we experience pain and joy, and an array of other emotions. But there’s one invisible factor we cannot escape and that’s the phenomenon of being perceived. Unless you own an invisibility cloak or a shrink ray, you are the object of others perception at almost every minute of every day. What does it mean? Homosapiens are naturally vain and we’re blessed with the double-edged sword of self-awareness. When we look and notice people in our everyday lives, we often timed forget that we’re also being noticed, judged, and analyzed. Have you ever looked in the mirror as a child and gradually got closer and closer to the glass until you were eye-to-eye with yourself? Do you remember how creepy and almost shocking it was to realize there was someone staring back at you?  That’s probably because in that moment your brain registered that you are, in fact, a person who exists. Now, imagine that other people you see (or don’t see) in passing daily realize you’re a real person. We all exist in other people’s memories and stories, sometimes as active participants and sometimes just as a figure.


In 2024, we have the wonderfully vast space we call social media where we can alter, manipulate, and somewhat control the way others perceive us. We do this by curating our image, voice, and conversations we have online which can be done intentionally, but naturally occurs. As someone who’s garnered high visibility on, multiple platforms I understand that the way I see myself isn’t always the way others see me and vice versa. The biggest fear I hear expressed from people who want to create content is around being perceived and worrying that you can not control how others digest who you are online and the general fear of embarrassment.

The best advice I can give you to combat these fears are:

  1.  Do all you can to reassure and reaffirm your sense of self outside of the internet so that you’re less likely to internalize what others think about you.

  2. Surround yourself with a strong support system that act as a sounding board for your content.

  3. Filter how much feedback you take in, make it a habit to post your content and go. Only read comments for a set amount of time daily.

  4. Follow and support other creators that have a similar follower count and try connecting. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

  5. Be authentic. We cannot control how others perceive us but the best way to close the gap between who we want to be received and how we’re actually received is to speak truthfully and be yourself unapologetically. Authenticity can’t be mimicked or fabricated. People who get you, will get it.

  6. Have fun. Your platform is yours to do with whatever you want. Enjoy yourself.

  7. Understand that no set number of followers or likes officially makes you a content creator. The title isn’t contingent on the validation of others so as long as you’re creating content, that’s what you are. Be proud.



I’m still a rookie “micro influencer”, but I understand a lot of ladies in F2B are also creating content or thinking about it so I wanted to share a post to encourage you to just do it in the new year. I’d love to share any resources I can and support your platforms however possible. I did a presentation on creating content, engagement, and other best practice information last spring. If enough of you are interested, I’d be happy to do another seminar.


What are your thoughts? Do you have videos saved in the drafts that you’re too nervous to post? Why? What do you think would help you put yourself “out there”? Let’s discuss in GroupMe.


Thanks for reading.



In a New York Minute..


The Mirage of New Friendships and how to start over.